Mark Twain’s The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is a humorous short story that takes place in a small town in California. The story is narrated by a man who visits a local tavern, where he hears a peculiar tale about a man named Smiley, known for his love of betting. Smiley owns a frog named Dan’l Weber, which he has trained to jump great distances.
One day, Smiley challenges a stranger to bet on his frog’s jumping ability. The stranger, however, slyly sabotages the bet by feeding Dan’l Weber buckshot before the race, causing the frog to fail miserably. Smiley is left astonished and outwitted, never realizing that he’s been tricked.
Through its wit and cleverness, the story is a delightful exploration of human nature, trickery, and the unpredictable outcomes of gambling.
Download the full story to enjoy Twain’s sharp humor and the clever twist that makes this tale so memorable!