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The Picture of Dorian Gray is a famous novel written by Oscar Wilde. It tells the story of a young man named Dorian Gray, whose life takes a dramatic and dangerous turn after meeting a man named Lord Henry Wotton. The novel explores themes like vanity, the consequences of living a life of indulgence, and the danger of focusing too much on outward appearances. As Dorian becomes more obsessed with beauty and youth, he makes a dangerous wish that changes his life forever.

The Beginning: Meeting Lord Henry Wotton

Dorian Gray is a handsome and charming young man, known for his striking good looks. One day, he sits for a portrait painted by an artist named Basil Hallward. While Basil paints, he expresses how deeply he admires Dorian’s beauty. Dorian is flattered by Basil’s praise but is also unaware of the impact his appearance has on others. Basil speaks about Dorian’s youth and innocence, and it is during this time that Dorian meets Lord Henry Wotton, a friend of Basil’s.

Lord Henry is a charismatic but cynical man who encourages Dorian to live a life of pleasure, free from concern for morals or consequences. He convinces Dorian that beauty and youth are the most important things in life, and that they should be enjoyed without restraint. Lord Henry plants the idea in Dorian’s mind that he should live for himself and experience all of life’s pleasures while he still can.

The Wish and Its Consequences

As Dorian listens to Lord Henry, he becomes more obsessed with his own beauty. He looks at the portrait that Basil has painted and wishes that he could stay as young and beautiful as the image in the painting, while the painting would grow old instead of him. He makes a wish that he would remain young forever, no matter what happens, and that his portrait would age in his place. Dorian believes that if he can maintain his beauty, he can live a life of endless pleasure and indulgence.

To Dorian’s surprise, his wish is granted. Over the years, Dorian remains as young and beautiful as ever, while his portrait ages and becomes more and more corrupted, reflecting the choices he makes. As Dorian indulges in a life of hedonism, luxury, and excess, his portrait becomes more grotesque, showing the damage caused by his actions. But on the outside, Dorian’s beauty remains untouched.

Dorian’s Life of Indulgence

As time passes, Dorian’s life becomes one of indulgence and self-destruction. He begins to engage in reckless behavior, drinking, partying, and forming unhealthy relationships. He begins to hurt people, especially women, using them and discarding them without any remorse. He is influenced by Lord Henry’s philosophy of living for pleasure without regard for consequences.

Dorian’s obsession with maintaining his beauty and youth grows stronger. He becomes more and more isolated from the world, unable to trust anyone or form genuine connections. His portrait, however, continues to age and show the effects of his immoral actions. The portrait becomes a mirror of his inner corruption, while Dorian himself remains physically perfect.

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The Turning Point: The Consequences of a Life of Vanity

As Dorian’s life spirals out of control, he begins to feel the weight of his actions. He realizes that his pursuit of beauty and pleasure has led him to a life of emptiness and regret. One of the key turning points in the novel comes when Dorian meets an actress named Sibyl Vane. He falls in love with her, but when she gives a poor performance in a play, Dorian cruelly breaks off their relationship. Sibyl, heartbroken, takes her own life. This tragedy marks the beginning of Dorian’s deeper understanding of the consequences of his choices.

Despite the growing realization of the pain he has caused, Dorian remains fixated on his appearance and the illusion of perfection. His portrait, which now shows the full extent of his guilt, is a constant reminder of the cost of his vanity. However, Dorian cannot escape from the life he has created, and his desire to maintain his beauty ultimately leads to his downfall.

The End: The Final Consequences

In the final part of the novel, Dorian’s obsession with his portrait reaches its peak. He decides that he can no longer live with the image of his corrupted self. He locks himself in a room with the portrait, intending to destroy it. But when he stabs the painting, he dies, and his body is found aged and ugly, while the portrait returns to its original, youthful form.

Dorian’s death marks the tragic end of his pursuit of eternal youth and beauty. His life, driven by vanity and a desire for pleasure without consequences, leads to his destruction. The novel concludes with the idea that a life focused solely on outward appearances and indulgence is ultimately empty and can result in tragedy.

Themes in the Story

The Picture of Dorian Gray explores several important themes:

  1. The Dangers of Vanity and Obsession with Beauty: Dorian’s obsession with his outward appearance leads him to a life of corruption and tragedy. The novel suggests that focusing too much on beauty and superficial things can be harmful and ultimately empty.
  2. The Consequences of a Life of Pleasure: The novel also explores the idea that living a life without concern for others or for the consequences of one’s actions can lead to a loss of meaning and fulfillment.
  3. The Duality of Human Nature: Dorian’s portrait represents the hidden, darker side of his personality, while his outward appearance remains youthful and innocent. This duality highlights the complexity of human nature and the struggle between our inner selves and outer appearances.
  4. The Influence of Others: Lord Henry’s influence on Dorian plays a crucial role in the young man’s downfall. The novel explores how the people around us can shape our thoughts and actions, and how easily we can be influenced by the wrong ideas.


The Picture of Dorian Gray is a powerful novel that examines the consequences of vanity, the pursuit of beauty, and the dangers of living a life without moral consideration. Through the tragic story of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde warns against the dangers of obsession with outward appearances and indulgence in pleasure without regard for the consequences. The novel serves as a reminder that true fulfillment comes from living a life of integrity, kindness, and self-awareness, rather than focusing on external beauty or fleeting pleasures.

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